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New Year + New Beginning

 A better version of yourself for the New Year, and It’s really a New You Challenge !


Transformation Time

It’s a new year — time to take steps toward improving your life and feeling great! And who better to make it happen than the Health and Wealth expert GOD! That’s why He created  us to go from Level to Level! The Bible say’s “from Glory to Glory! “

 Hey Primadonna Let’s get real! Everybody thinks they have the answers! If the experts have the solutions to the world problems then why is everything out of balance and down right crazy! Yeah we said it!  
You can style yourself pretty or you can go choose to go to Church! The truth is if you don’t transform from the inside out you are wasting your time! You can get on a new weight lost regime and fitness program, hire a personal trainer and life coach! This will help, however temporarily.

Image result for magazine beauty and wellness makeovers

Real long lasting transformation begins from within and every day you take baby steps towards the mark! There is no microwave setting to your personal growth! It must begin one day at a time! And it’s extremely imperative that you get real with yourself, other people and most importantly GOD!

 You can find a charity, organization, or  marketing campaign that speaks personally to you! You know something that you feel strongly about.  Whether it’s homelessness, the environment, mental wellness, women’s health challenges, shelters, poverty, or whatever else you feel passionate  about! We believe there’s nothing wrong with investing your time and resources in supporting a great cause! As a matter fact it’s very cool, so chic and fashionable!

However where is your peace of mind? ONCE THE EVENT IS DONE?  Where is the resolve? Is it in participating in another  fundraising project or is it posting half naked images on Ingram, Facebook, or Twitter! If you know that this cycle this leaves you feeling deflated and empty! Then  get involved  with  a program or system  that can help to transform your life ! A system that will begin to swift  your mindset and heart! We are talking about lasting change! Bold and Fierce transformation!  We are launching a variety of  events, courses  and empowerment training  courses (we call them challenges) that target specific life goals!

Join us on this NEW Beginning of self discovery of who God say’s you are! Lets connect in 2018! To embrace Your true authentic self . WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACES…. and the question still remains are you a Primadonna?


” From Pea-cocking to Humility! Humbleness takes strength! ” Are you up to the Challenge? ”  -Primadonna Staff